Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why mom is always right

The week before leaving the States, mom suggested that I pack some band-aids and Nestosyl (Dutch Neosporin) just in case I have an accident.  I roll my eyes thinking what could possibly happen? I never get hurt! Wink, Wink.  Actually, I am possibly one of the more clumsier people here on earth, but that's another story.  I eventually throw some band-aids and the Nestosyl in with my toiletries and go my way. 

This morning I get dressed in my brand new NIKE work-out clothes made in Malaysia, and take the elevator to our hotel gym on the 22nd floor.  I open the door, and step on through. The door closes quicker then I think it will and smashes my index finger! OUCH!  I look at it and it actually cut open my finger pretty badly.  I wont get in too much detail, but I freak out and think that I have a broken finger or that I need stitches.  I quickly go to our apartment and call David at work and tell him the bad news, all the while crying like a little baby.  He gets here in five minutes and looks at my smashed up finger. No broken finger, and the cut isn't deep enough to where I need stitches.  But what I actually need is a band-aid and Nestosyl!  

Thanks ma! Thanks David for coming to my rescue! 


Erik said...

Hey Kimmy,
Im sorry you hurt your fingah. I hope it doesnt leave a scar...allthough a scar on you middle finger would look badass hehe!
Talk To Ya Later,

jean said...

Sorry to hear about your finger. Your not accident prone just your father's daughter, or just watch out where you go?!*
This wisdom was handed down to me too, cannot claim it as my own, darn. love, ma

jean said...

Yeah haw, I did it!!!