I am an alien, but not the green alien that you find in movies like Mars Attacks or Men in Black, but a Permanent Resident Alien. I get all the perks that an American Citizen gets; I get to work, I'm protected by the law and my favorite, I get to pay taxes! There are just a few issues, that American citizens don't have to deal with. And one is, international travel.
Before my move to Malaysia my mom told me that I needed to file a form because I might lose my resident status. Thinking about other important issues at the time I told myself, it can't be that bad. I'll deal with it when I come back. I was completely wrong.
I contacted the American Consulate here in KL and they told me it's too late to file the form and if I don't go back to the U.S. within a year of leaving the country I will lose my resident status. When that happens I would need David to re-file for an Immigrant visa, which would be huge hassle (interviews, health checks, money, etc.)
With these two options we decided that it would be best I returned back to the U.S. before the year is over, which is November 18th. We're both a bit disappointed because we would've liked to go back home together. But what's an alien to do? Oh yeah, apply for American Citizenship!
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Take me to your leader!
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