Every Sunday for over a month now I've been going mountain biking with Jag. It has become the Sunday "thing". We went once for a ride in Bukit Kiara (I believe I've blogged about getting totally lost there before), but since we have been going out to the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia.
The first time we just showed up, and started looking for trails. We found some OK jeep trails, but it gets boring after a while. We went back several more times, always finding a bit more. But we were almost to the point of playing FRIM out.
But...Last weekend we finally stumbled upon some great single track. The trail was hidden at a dead end on an old jeep track, and by luck I happened to see it. The trail was fast moving and ran along a ledge. Every few metres we'd come up to a boulder spill and we'd have to try our best to navigate these technical bits. The trail then took a turn down, and the next km or 2 was a tricky set of switchbacks. Good fun!
The trail dumped us out on another jeep track that ended up being a blast. It was fast and had a few people. It always makes me chuckle when I fly by somebody...they never hear me coming!
Anyway, I've been really enjoying the Sundays out with Jag. Afterwards we catch a beer at the Daily Grind in Bangsar. I usually make it back around 4, to blow off the remainder of the weekend with Kimbo.
Who knows, maybe I'll sign up for a race in the near future...
You shoudl totally sign up for a race!! Does Kimmy not go with? Maybe when I come you can take me on the baby trails and then later, I'll get some rad video footage of you tearing it up!
I would love to go with, but since I have a perfectly working bicycle at home, I just didn't want to spend the money on buying a new one. yeah..I know, I'm cheap. But what can I say, I'm Dutch! : )
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