Yesterday I met up with our realtor, Adrian. He's been a great help since he found us an apartment the day before we left for The U.S. Part of the handing over the keys process we had to look over every single item in our new place. It's a list of three pages long. It took us a while, and as I waited for Adrian to change the batteries to the A/C remote controls I discovered a few things that you might not notice at first sight.
Most Malaysian's don't have ovens in their homes. So, when they built our condominium they didn't realize that most foreigners do like to use their ovens. Pizza, duh!
Our owner obviously had to change this for his Western tenants a while back. The funny thing is that they obviously didn't care about details and just cut a square and stuck the oven in. As long as it works, right?
Then we got to the living room. On the list of items to check it said,
blinds behind desk. I asked Adrian, "what do they mean with blinds behind desk? I don't see anything". He looks at me surprised and says, "blinds, you know, those things that open and close!" Like I'm stupid for not knowing what they are! Then, after that comment, he decided to tell me there is an actual window behind the desk! I'm really lost on this one.
Finally, this really made my day. The largest and only ashtray I've ever seen in a kitchen! Maybe I can make use of it and put a plant in it? he he