Thursday, June 4, 2009

The highlights

1. Personalized tour of Warmond and Leiden
2. 170 kph on the autobahn
3. Eating zure haring in Katwijk
4. Fighting the Dutch winds on a fiets
5. Ears turning bright red after drinking homemade Croatian liquor
6. Bitterballen!
7. Stumbling upon that city where the guy with the flute made all the rats follow him, and eating a schnitzel the size of my head.
8. Hearing how Tante Anneke and Oom Lutzen first met
9. Disney trivial pursuit!
10. Underground canal tour in Den Bosche

1 comment:

Liz Jordan said...

I can't even read half of those words!! You're pretty much Dutch now too, ehh? Where's the photos?!